MyWebStore.Net E-Commerce system: Feature List
This is not the entire feature list. Rather it lists the most important features, or the features most companies explicitly asked us for.
Basic features
- Unlimited number of products and product groups
- Product group hierarchy with unlimited number of levels
- Placing products in multiple categories
- Product variants: Master product and independent Variants
- Large number od Product Types, with predefined product attributes
- Expandable product attributes (images, video, measure units, predefined attribute lists)
- Product cloning to ease catalogue management
- Attribute copying from one product to another
- Attribute copying from Master product to Variants
- Every product can contain unlimited number of additional images, files, links, multimedia
contents, YouTube movies...
- URL rewriting for products and categories - product name contained in the URL
- Product stocking on multiple stocks; implementing business rules according to product stocking
Basic promo tools
- Multiple product action prices, time dependent
- Cross-Sell and Up-Sell promotions
- Discount calculating per order item or per entire order
- Custom promotion implementation
- Specialized discounted product lists
- Product custom lists: top 5, new products, thematic product lists, etc.
- Send the product inquiry
- Send the link / Suggest the product to a friend
- Automatic Files selling: automatic download after successful payment
Besides the Basic, our solution contains the advanced Promo tools:
Newsletter Manager, Loyalty Program, Promo Codes / Vouchers, ...
Online Payment
- Arbitrary number of payment types
- Payment types supported: Money transfer, cash on delivery, Credit cards
- Credit card payments: American Express, Diners, MasterCard, VISA
- Credit cards supported per specified country and/or Bank/Payment processor
Credit card information protected with valid digital
SSL certificate.
Delivery, Shipping and Handling
- Shipment calculation options according to the Order amount, gross weight, amount levels
- Definition of shipping costs according to buyers geographical location
- Shipping & Handling calculation according to your or courier service's custom formulas
Advanced Order Tracking
- Arbitrary number of order statuses
- Automatic or manual e-mail customer notifications
- Status changes can trigger various actions in Web Shop
- Status changes can trigger various actions in other systems
- Order Tracking system integration with Courier services
Order management
- Automatic merchant e-mail notification about the new Order
- Automatic buyer e-mail confirmation
- Basic and Advanced Order Tracking by Order status management
- Order approval or cancellation
- Geographical buyer location for credit card payments
- Order or Packing-slip printing
- One-click credit card transaction charging
- Additional merchant fraud protection: detailed transaction log view
Web Shop graphic design
- Custom design according to customer wishes and/or specifications
- Seamless integration into existing web system
- Extending the Web Shop solution with arbitrary web pages with content control
- Corporate presentation: photo galleries, google maps, contact forms...
- Direct communication with buyers on the web pages
Web Shop management
- Basic management tool is the systems "Control pannel", the administration interface for Web shop management
- Fully automated systems use customers ERP systems to manage the Web Shop
- Additional systems can be integrated, like ERP Extender - MyWebShop.Net solution for extending the ERP functionality
More about the systems integration is described in our automation section.